Behold, the Kai Initiate Cloak Clasp!

Behold, the Kai Initiate Cloak Clasp!

Our friends Lindsey and Mike in the Kai Smithy at the Monastery have outdone themselves.

Two and a half inches wide, it bears two red stones like those set after the quenching ceremony. The metal disk has a solid pin and hook enclosure on the back.

Kai cloak badges were first adopted in MS 3830, twenty years after work on the Monastery commenced. They were designed by the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star and imbued with magic that made them very difficult to replicate or counterfeit. During the years MS 4210-18 (in the run-up to the siege of the Kai Monastery in MS 4219), there was an attempt by Helghast to take the guise of young Kai in order to infiltrate the monastery. However, they were unable to shape-copy the Kai cloak badges and thus their true identity was revealed.

After several years of painstaking work in the depths of Helgedad, The Nadziranim were able to overcome the Brotherhood magic, enabling their Helghast to replicate them perfectly. Since that time, Kai Cloak badges are no longer made by the Brotherhood, nor do they have any magical properties. They are now forged in the Kai smithy at the Monastery and finished off in the craft workshop by the Kai who will wear it. This makes each badge a work of art as unique as its owner, created under the supervision of a Loyal master craftsman.

The final step in this creation involves a pilgrimage where the young Kai Initiate is sent overland to draw water from the place of their birth. For most, this is a fairly brief journey to one of the major cities of Sommerlund or its many small towns and villages. The badge is heated one last time and then quenched in a bowl containing this water and two drops of blood - one from the Initiate and the other from the Kai Master responsible for their training.

The two red stones on the badge, set immediately after the quenching ceremony, echo what this blood represents; a passage of rank and responsibility from one generation to the next.

Plus, they're very cool.  Get yours from

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