The Lone Wolf Junior Editions are here!

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Lone Wolf Junior Editions.

A simplified playing experience for ages 7+ and reluctant readers. Ideal for schools and educational settings.

What makes them 'junior' ...?

The biggest change is how quickly you start playing - the rules sections have been reduced from sixteen pages to only four.

The other big change is combat - now playable with a humble d6. Each fight is a simple race to reduce each other's Endurance points to zero.

There is no longer a distinction between Weapons, Items and Special Items. Everything goes in the Backpack.

Most important is what has not changed...

The Juniors still feature Gary Chalks amazing artwork, and practically nothing in the text has been changed.

Creating a quicker and more accessible route into the incredible world is the name of the game. The "Junior" moniker is merely a way to set them apart - in practice, these versions are just as much fun if you're on old-school fan, and we encourage everyone to give them a try!

If you work with children on the autism spectrum (ASD) or in the field of education, please get in touch with us for more information and resources that can enhance your educational toolkit.


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