Book Release - The Definitive Editions

Edited by dedicated Lone Wolf scholars at Scriptarium and Project Aon - and with new additional material compiled by Authors August Hahn, Vincent Lazzari, and Joe's son Ben Devere - this collectable hardback is an authoritative, lasting testament to the first Lone Wolf adventure.

- 32 books with cover art from Alberto Dal Lago.
- 32 books with Francesco Mattioli cartography.
- 32 books reviewed, revised & approved by Scriptarium, Raven & Project Aon.
- 32 books from a single publisher with consistent formatting.

The Definitive Editions are all released in bundles of two or three - to allow you to consolidate orders and save on shipping. For example:

Shipping ONE book to the USA costs $21.90 each
Shipping THREE books to the USA costs $13.45 each

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